Boeken zoeken

Peet, Mal, Rosoff, Meg

ISBN 9781406361421
Uitgever Walker Books Ltd
Taal Engels
Categorie engelseboeken, engelsekinderboeken, engelseyoungadult, engels
Meer info 2017, 272pp, paperback in nieuwstaat. Het boek kan door de brievenbus. Met evt. nog een vergelijkbaar boek erbij
Extra informatie Born of a brief encounter between a Liverpool prostitute and an African soldier in 1907, Beck finds himself orphaned as a young boy and sent overseas to the Catholic Brothers in Canada. At age fifteen he is sent to work on a farm, from which he eventually escapes. Finally in charge of his own destiny, Beck starts westward, crossing the border into America and back, all while the Great Depression rages on. What will it take for Beck to understand the agonies of his childhood and realize that love is possible?

€ 4,00


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